(Since this article was posted, newer information has become available. View the latest osteopathy growth information)
The news is in. Osteopathy is the fastest growing medical discipline in Australia. According to the Private Health Insurance Administration Council (PHIAC), osteopathy treatments have increased 67% in the last 3 years. To put this in perspective, the total growth in manual therapies (osteopathy, physiotherapy and chiropractic) rose only 20% over the same period.
In 2010, Australians claimed almost 600,000 osteopathy treatments claimed through their private health insurance. This equates to health insurers paying out $18.8m in benefits.
Source: PHIAC Industry Statistics Feb 2011
As PHIAC only tallies treatments that are claimed through private health insurance, the actual number of osteopathy treatments is actually much higher. A study commissioned by the Australian Osteopathic Association estimated that Australian’s make over 1.5 million visits to osteopaths, which is huge considering there are only about 1,500 osteopaths in Australia.
Only a few years ago, osteopathy was very much an unheard of medical discipline. Today it’s rare to come across someone who hasn’t heard about osteopathy. Yes, there are still some osteopathy myths making the rounds, but these are also being addressed. This dramatic growth is great news for osteopathy and the health benefits it strives to achieve.
For more information about osteopathy or to book a treatment, contact Inlign Osteopathy today.