Reports just out show that osteopathy is once again the fastest growing health discipline in Australia.
In statistics hot off the press, the popularity of osteopathy has once again risen in leaps and bounds. According to the Private Health Insurance Administration Council (PHIAC) – A government body, the number of people choosing to visit an osteopath has increased by 48% over the last two years. As a comparison, other manual practitioners such as chiropractic and physiotherapy increased by only 7% and 11% respectively during this time period. The popularity of osteopathy is jumping ahead in leaps and bounds.
These statistics, continue the growth in osteopathy trend we’ve identified previously.
Osteopathy is Australia’s Fastest Growing Health Profession
Delving further into the available statistics, we find that the popularity of osteopathy has been increasing for quite some time. Below is a chart showing that osteopathy treatments have increased 270% since 2005. When comparing this to all other modalities, osteopathy is easily in the lead by a considerable margin.
Where Are These Statistics From?
These industry statistics are publicly available via the PHIAC website. The Private Health Insurance Administration Council (PHIAC) is an independent Government organisation that oversees and regulates the private health insurance industry. It gathers information from all funds and all payments that are made through ‘extras’ or ancillary payments.
It’s great to see the Australian public embrace osteopathy.